Herman Spanjaard MD, MPH, FACOEM

Herman Spanjaard is an Occupational Medicine Physician in the Netherlands, Europe. He has worked for the Houses of Parliament and several other governmental bodies. He started his own consultancy firm in 1993 and has since worked for governments, EU, UN and businesses alike.  As a key expert on Occupational Health he has worked in Romania 2006, China 2009-2010, Turkey 2010, helping those countries to reform their social security systems in his field of Disability, Rehabilitation and Prevention. He has been Short Term expert in several other countries and recently gave two Master Classes on OH in Kazaksthan.

He has been a partner since the launch of the International Occupational Medicine Societies Collaborative in Orlando in 2013 as he believes in prevention to be performed on a global scale. He is Vice President of the Dutch Occupational Medicine Society and Chair of the Accreditation Bureau of Public Health in the Netherlands. In these functions he has regular political and media contacts. Occupational Health in a multidisciplinary setting with Occupational Safety is at the center of the world economy. We are knowledgeable and have an added value for stakeholders in politics, employers and unions. Dr Spanjaard is married and has three children.
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