Mark Cunningham-Hill MB ChB (MD), FFOM, FACOEM

Dr. Mark Cunningham-Hill MB ChB (MD), FFOM, FACOEM is a transformative senior executive and expert physician who excels at strategic thought and execution. A dynamic and knowledgeable driver of innovative quality employee health services around the world. Dr. Cunningham-Hill is known for his innovative approaches focused on protecting and improving the health of employees, and building healthy companies.

In his 25 years at GlaxoSmithKline and Johnson & Johnson he has worked at roles with increasing responsibility giving him extensive global experience. This experience spans Occupational Medicine, Wellness, Mental Wellbeing, Work-Life Effectiveness, Personal Energy Management, Digital Health Technologies, Occupational Health & Hygiene Risk Management, and Well Building Design. He developed industry-leading programs that improved the health of employees and helped make GSK and Johnson & Johnson thought leaders in Employee Health. He is an expert in protecting employees from highly potent biologically active pharmaceutical agents through risk based controls. He has extensive governance experience and is ISO14001 Lead Auditor certified.

He is recognized as someone who transforms organizations by creating a culture of health while driving improved business performance and productivity and reduced costs. He is an advocate in creating an environment where employees can actively engage in their health and achieve their ‘best self’ at work, at home, and in their communities. He is focused on action and results leveraging data and enterprise health goals to drive transformational change. Strong believer in utilizing technology and innovation to drive employee engagement and maximize business benefit.
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